Website Performance Audit

Table Of Contents
  1. Website Performance Audit
  2. Overview of the Audit Purpose and Objectives
  3. Server Configuration
  4. Themes and Plugins
  5. Dashboard Speed Check
  6. Front End Speed Check
  7. Back End Speed Check
  8. Front End Speed Check
  9. Back End Speed Check
  10. Front End Speed Check
  11. Back End Speed Check

Overview of the Audit Purpose and Objectives

Overview of the Audit Purpose and Objectives

Welcome to the comprehensive performance audit report meticulously crafted by Zen Agency. This audit is designed to provide an in-depth analysis of your WooCommerce website, focusing on identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks. Our objectives include:

  1. Pinpointing Performance Issues: To identify areas where your website may be underperforming, mainly speed and responsiveness.
  2. Conducting a Thorough Plugin Review: To meticulously examine each plugin for conflicts and issues impacting website performance and database integrity.
  3. Optimizing Technical Configurations: Ensure your server setup, caching mechanisms, and other technical aspects align with WooCommerce’s best practices.
  4. Delivering Actionable Recommendations: To provide clear, actionable insights for enhancing website performance, scalability, and efficiency.

Introduction to Zen Agencyโ„ข

At Zen Agencyโ„ข, we are recognized experts in WooCommerce, web hosting, and server management. Our team is passionate about delivering innovative solutions that meet the highest standards of quality. We bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence to every project, ensuring tailor-made solutions that exceed client expectations.

Our expertise extends to a deep understanding of the intricacies of WooCommerce plugins and their impact on website performance. We are adept at identifying and resolving conflicts and inefficiencies that plugins can introduce, ensuring your website operates optimally.

Importance of Website Performance for User Experience and Business Success

In today’s digital landscape, the performance of your WooCommerce site is a critical factor in your business’s success. It directly influences user experience, affecting customer satisfaction, engagement, and conversion rates. A high-performing website is key to:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Quick loading times and smooth interactions are essential for keeping users engaged and reducing bounce rates.
  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: Optimal performance is favored by search engines, leading to better visibility and increased organic traffic.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: A seamless online shopping experience is crucial for encouraging users to complete purchases, impacting your revenue.

Furthermore, the thorough review of plugins is vital, as these can often be the hidden culprits behind performance issues and database inefficiencies. Through this audit, Zen Agencyโ„ข aims to not only identify and resolve existing issues but also to fortify your website against future challenges, ensuring a robust, responsive, and efficient online presence.

Server Configuration

Current Server Stack:

  • Nexcess shared platform
  • Database Server version: 10.5.16-MariaDB
  • PHP version: 8.1
  • 32 shared vCPU / 99GB shared RAM

Current Resources (Shared):

Recommended Resources:

  • Zen Platform
  • OS:  Ubuntu 22.04
  • Database Server version: 10.11.6-MariaDB
  • PHP version: 8.2
  • 6 cores / 12 threads / 32GB RAM
Update: We’ve already migrated the site to the new server stack.

Themes and Plugins

Performance impact analysis of the current theme

In this image, Query Monitor is highlighting two missing items: ‘woocommerce-layout’ and ‘woocommerce-general’. This suggests that the theme you are using has intentionally deregistered these WooCommerce stylesheets, which is common practice when a theme provides its own styling for WooCommerce elements.

However, the Query Monitor is also indicating a slow page load, which it seems to associate with the missing stylesheets. This can occur for several reasons:

  1. Missing Dependencies: If other scripts or styles were dependent on ‘woocommerce-layout’ and ‘woocommerce-general’, deregistering them might lead to issues or delays as the dependencies might not load correctly.
  2. Overhead from Deregistration: It’s possible that the way the stylesheets were deregistered is causing additional overhead or the system is still trying to locate these stylesheets, hence contributing to the slow load.

To address this:

  • Check Dependencies: Ensure that no other styles or scripts depend on the deregistered stylesheets. If there are dependencies, you need to resolve them.
  • Optimize Assets: Ensure that all assets are optimized for the web. This includes compressing images, minifying CSS, and JavaScript, and leveraging caching.
  • Theme Review: Check if the theme has been updated or if there’s support documentation that addresses this issue. The theme developers might have already provided a fix or guidance on this matter.
  • Caching and Delivery: Implement caching solutions and consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to enhance loading times for static resources.

What we did:

  • Deregistered the styles in the child theme with:
  • add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘remove_woocommerce_styles’, 100 );
  • function remove_woocommerce_styles() {
  • if ( function_exists( ‘is_woocommerce’ ) ) {
  • if ( ! is_woocommerce() && ! is_cart() && ! is_checkout() ) {
  • // Deregister styles
  • wp_dequeue_style( ‘woocommerce-layout’ );
  • wp_deregister_style( ‘woocommerce-layout’ );
  • wp_dequeue_style( ‘woocommerce-general’ );
  • wp_deregister_style( ‘woocommerce-general’ );
  • // Dequeue scripts
  • wp_dequeue_script( ‘wc-cart-fragments’ );
  • wp_deregister_script( ‘wc-cart-fragments’ );
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • Cleaned database via Advanced DB Cleaner
    • Removed 14 orphaned tables from the db
    • Removed 200 orphaned options from the options table
    • Removed 12 orphaned cron jobs
    • Removed 329228 Orphaned post meta (mostly related to Yoast plugin), and 783 revisions

Performance impact analysis of the plugins

  • Installed Asset Cleanup so we have a clear view of unused assets loading per page.
  • Activate 1 plugin at a time and review load

1. WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor

  • Purpose: Customizes WooCommerce checkout fields.
  • Assessment: Vital for tailoring the checkout experience to your business needs.
  • Modification: Disabled the script from loading sitewide and made a Regex exception to only load on checkout
  • Recommendations: The checkout field editor plugin being used is a product of the same company that developed the Pro theme used by the site. The plugin is not supported by WooCommerce and does not work with WooCommerce’s new High Performance Order Storage feature, which was developed to make the checkout a much quicker and efficient process for customers, and order retrieval much quicker for site Admins, as the HPOS essentially pulls the orders out of the posts table and into its own table in the database. The site should use WooCommerce’s own version of the plugin:
The Result

2. WooCommerce Admin

  • Purpose: Enhanced reporting and management interface for WooCommerce.
  • Assessment: Provides valuable insights and improved store management capabilities.
  • Modification:
  • Uninstalled the WooCommerce Admin plugin isnโ€™t needed as itโ€™s now bundled into WooCommerce.
  • Deleted 4 WooCommerce Admin cron jobs
  • Checked database for plugin tables and options.

3. WooCommerce Anti-Fraud

  • Purpose: Detects potential fraud in transactions.
  • Assessment: Important for security and minimizing chargebacks.
  • Modification: Deactivated Anti-fraud for logged-in users except when on checkout.
  • Recommendations:
  • Disabling the plugin and using Cloudflare config to prevent checkout fraud. But this would require further conversations. There is also an API call error being caused by this plugin on the checkout page. It tries to make a call to a third-party vendor,, even though the site is not using that feature of the plugin. We’ve submitted a support request to the plugin developer at WooCommerce support.
  • Adding WooCommerce captcha plugin
The Result

4. WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery

  • Purpose: Recovers lost sales by targeting abandoned carts.
  • Assessment: Can increase revenue by capturing potential sales.
  • Modification: Deactivated Anti-fraud for logged-in users except when on checkout.
  • Recommendation: Recommend disabling the plugin and using Cloudflare config to prevent checkout fraud. But this would require further conversations.

Dashboard Speed Check

Live Site Dashboard Speed
Staging Site Dashboard Speed

5. WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments

  • Purpose: Restricts shipping methods and payment options based on conditions.
  • Assessment: Provides flexibility in shipping and payment strategies, essential for tailored customer experiences.
  • Modifications: Unloaded plugin on all pages except checkout since this is the only place it is needed.

6. WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration

  • Purpose: Integrates Google Analytics with WooCommerce for enhanced tracking.
  • Assessment: Essential for comprehensive analytics. Ensure it doesn’t conflict with other analytics plugins.
  • Recommendations:
  • All tracking (Ads, Analytics, Microsoft, FB, etc) should be accomplished via GTM and utilizing GTM4WP plugin ( This way, you reduce the amount of plugins and javascript files from being loaded per page load. Plus, it keeps everything nice and tidy in GTM.
  • It does appear that you have a GTM tag on the site but also have several tracking plugins installed, and there is an error in the way your GTM is set up. The error message is: Invalid call to gtag(), the Global site snippet is not installed

7. WooCommerce Microsoft Ads Conversion Tracking

  • Purpose: Tracks conversions from Microsoft Ads.
  • Assessment: Essential for businesses leveraging Microsoft Ads for marketing. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of ads and optimizing marketing strategies.
  • Recommendations: Use Google Tag Manager for a more unified approach to managing various advertising platforms.

8. WooCommerce Product Add-ons

  • Purpose: Allows customers to customize products with additional options.
  • Assessment: Enhances the customer shopping experience by offering customization. It can increase average order value but should be monitored for any impact on site performance.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all pages except the single product pages since that is the only place needed.
  • Recommendations: None

9. WooCommerce Product Enquiry

  • Purpose: Adds an inquiry form to WooCommerce product pages.
  • Assessment: Useful for customers who have questions before purchasing, enhancing customer service.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all pages except the single product pages since that is the only place needed.
  • Recommendations: There have only been 6 inquiries in 2023. This is very likely the result of the inquiry form being buried in a tabbed panel on the product page. A more user-friendly way to handle this is to create an inquiry form using Gravity Forms, which is already being used on the site, and add it to the page with a hidden Page Title field. Then, add a more prominent button that scrolls to the form at the bottom of the product page. This way, you reduce a plugin and make it easier for customers to inquire.
A better way to handle product inquiries

10. WooCommerce Shipment Tracking

  • Purpose: Adds tracking numbers to WooCommerce orders for customer tracking.
  • Assessment: Essential for customer satisfaction and post-purchase experience.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all front end pages.
  • Recommendation: ย None

11. WooCommerce Shipping & Tax

  • Purpose: Automates tax calculation and shipping label printing.
  • Assessment: Streamlines operations for e-commerce, especially useful for large volumes of transactions.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all front end pages except for cart and checkout.
  • Recommendation: ย None

12. WooCommerce Stripe Gateway

  • Purpose: Integrates Stripe for credit card payments.
  • Assessment: Essential for secure and versatile payment processing. Stripe is a popular and reliable choice.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all front end pages except for individual product , cart and checkout.
  • Recommendation: ย None

Front End Speed Check

Back End Speed Check

13. WooCommerce WWE LTL Quotes

  • Purpose: Provides LTL freight rates from Worldwide Express Speedfreight API.
  • Assessment: Important for businesses that require LTL freight shipping. Specific to certain logistical needs.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all front end pages except for cart and checkout.
  • Recommendation: ย Connect via the new API. Currently, the site is connecting via the legacy API.

14. Wordfence Security

  • Purpose: Provides comprehensive security features like firewall and malware scanning.
  • Assessment: Essential for site security. Regularly updated and well-supported.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย Move the site to our new server stack with server-level functionality similar to Wordfence

15. WordPress Importer

  • Purpose: Allows the import of content from a WordPress export file.
  • Assessment: Useful for site migrations or content transfers. Not needed for day-to-day operations.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย uninstall the plugin and only install it when needed.

16. WP Armour – Honeypot Anti Spam

  • Purpose: Adds honeypot anti-spam protection.
  • Assessment: Effective against spam without impacting user experience.
  • Modifications: Unloaded the plugin on all front end pages except for product, account and checkout.
  • Recommendation: ย Consider setting anti-spam rules in Cloudflare

17. WP Client Reports and WP Client Reports Pro

  • Purpose: Enhances WP Client Reports with more integrations and features.
  • Assessment: Adds significant value for professionals managing multiple client sites. Evaluate the utilization of additional features. Keeps history of plugin updates.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

17. WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider and Carousel

  • Purpose: Displays logos in a responsive slider or carousel.
  • Assessment: Enhances visual appeal, especially for sites showcasing brands or partners.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย Re-theme the site on Kadence framework, which is much quicker and more efficient than the Pro theme the site is currently running on. Kadence comes pre-packaged with its own lighter carousel slider.

Front End Speed Check

Back End Speed Check

17. WP Crontrol

  • Purpose: Allows viewing and control of the WP-Cron system.
  • Assessment: Useful for developers and administrators for managing scheduled tasks.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย If you don’t find yourself using this, it is safe to deactivate it. Upon moving to the new Zen server stack, we would set all crons to take place on the server level rather than the native WordPress cron system, which is known to have slower performance.

18. WP Mail SMTP

  • Purpose: Reconfigures the WordPress email function to use SMTP.
  • Assessment: Improves email deliverability. Essential if facing issues with default WordPress mail function.
  • Modifications: Unload sitewide on front end except on the contact page and product page.
  • Recommendation: ย None

18. WP Product Feed Manager

  • Purpose: Generates and submits product feeds to merchant centers.
  • Assessment: Useful for e-commerce sites that list products on multiple shopping channels.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

18. WP Rocket

  • Purpose: Caching and performance optimization.
  • Assessment: Highly recommended for improving site speed and performance.
  • Modifications:
  • Configured CSS and JSoptimization, link preloading, image optimizations.
  • Fixed an issue where there were 2 rows on the homepage that were calling files from that don’t exist. The rows were set to hidden in the theme.
  • Recommendation: ย Move site to new server stack and deactivate WP Rocket cache but use all other features.

18. WPCode Lite

  • Purpose: Adds code snippets to WordPress.
  • Assessment:
  • Useful for custom code integration without editing theme files. Ensure snippets are optimized.
  • The plugin is being used for Clicklease and Google tracking.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย All tracking scripts should be moved to GTM.

19. Yoast SEO

  • Purpose: SEO optimization for WordPress content.
  • Assessment: One of the most popular and comprehensive SEO tools. Essential for improving site visibility and search rankings.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

20. Yoast SEO Premium

  • Purpose: Premium version of Yoast SEO with additional features.
  • Assessment: Offers advanced SEO capabilities like internal linking suggestions and redirect manager. Evaluate if the premium features are actively utilized.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

21. Yoast SEO: WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Integrates Yoast SEO with WooCommerce.
  • Assessment: Enhances SEO for e-commerce content. Useful for ensuring product pages are optimized for search engines.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

22. Activity Log

  • Purpose: Tracks site activities, useful for security monitoring.
  • Assessment: Beneficial for tracking changes and user actions. Consider performance impact.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย None

22. Add Twitter Pixel

  • Purpose: Integrates Twitter pixel for ad tracking.
  • Assessment: Essential for Twitter advertising insights. Verify load impact.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: ย All tracking scripts should be moved to GTM.

23. Akismet Anti-spam

  • Purpose: Protects against spam in comments.
  • Assessment: Highly effective, widely used. Essential for blogs
  • Modifications: Deactivated for now, and modified product reviews to only allow reviews by “verified owners”.
  • Recommendation: WP Armour is already being used, and comments are already disabled in the blog.

24. Breadcrumb NavXT

  • Purpose: Adds breadcrumb navigation for better UX.
  • Assessment: Enhances site navigation with minimal impact.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on Homepage, CArt, Checkout, and My account pages.
  • Recommendation: Use Yoast Premium breadcrumbs

25. CallRail Phone Call Tracking

  • Purpose: Tracks phone calls for marketing analysis.
  • Assessment: Key for tracking call source and effectiveness. Monitor performance.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: Consider removing if you are using it or install via GTM (

26. CDN Enabler

  • Purpose: Integrates a Content Delivery Network.
  • Assessment: Can significantly improve loading times if configured properly.
  • Modifications: Uninstalled it since it’s not even being used
  • Recommendation: None

27. Classic Editor

  • Purpose: Enables WordPress classic editor.
  • Modifications: Deactivated
  • Recommendation: get used to using the Gutenberg editor. it is much better and the classic editor may be losing WP support soon.

28. Code Snippets

  • Purpose: Allows running custom code snippets.
  • Assessment: Useful for custom functions without editing theme files.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: Move all snippets to WPCode Lite or move all Wp Code Lite snippets to here. This way you can remove one plugin.

29. Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode, Landing Pages & WordPress Website Builder by SeedProd

  • Purpose: Creates custom pages and maintenance mode screens.
  • Assessment: Versatile.
  • Modifications: Deactivated
  • Recommendation: If your WordPress site rarely goes into maintenance mode and you are not leveraging the custom page and landing page building features of SeedProd, it could be beneficial to remove the plugin.

30. Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Adds custom tabs to WooCommerce products.
  • Assessment: Useful for detailed product descriptions.
  • Modifications: unloaded on all front pages except for the product page.
  • Recommendation: None

31. Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Removes unnecessary features to improve performance.
  • Assessment: Can enhance speed, but ensure essential features aren’t disabled.
  • Modifications:
  • Disabled WooCommerce scripts and styles on front with exception to WooCommerce pages
  • Disabled WooCommerce Cart Fragments
  • Disabled WordPress editor Autosave feature
  • Disabled theme and plugin auto-updates
  • Recommendation: None

32. Duplicate Page

  • Purpose: Allows duplicating posts and pages.
  • Assessment: Handy for content creation, minimal impact.
  • Modifications: Disabled
  • Recommendation: Only enable when needed.

33. Email Log

  • Purpose: Logs all emails sent from WordPress.
  • Assessment: Important for tracking email functionality.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: Keep it.

34. Essential Grid

  • Purpose: Creates grid layouts for content.
  • Assessment: Feature-rich but can be resource-intensive.
  • Modifications:
  • Unloaded on all pages except posts, pages categories and tags.
  • Deactivated the meta box on edit posts, pages, products to make the edit pages load faster.
  • Recommendation: Re-theme the site and use Gutenberg.

35.EWWW Image Optimizer

  • Purpose: Optimizes images to improve website load times and performance.
  • Assessment: Highly effective in reducing image sizes without loss of quality, crucial for a visually-intensive site.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: None

36. Facebook for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Integrates WooCommerce with Facebook for marketing and product promotion.
  • Assessment: Essential for leveraging Facebook’s audience for e-commerce. Keep if you use Facebook for marketing.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: This plugin has been known ton be a drag on resources. Remove if not using it.

37. FacetWP

  • Purpose: Adds advanced filtering options to WordPress.
  • Assessment: Enhances user experience by allowing more precise product searches. Can be resource-intensive.
  • Modifications: Uninstalled. It is not in use.
  • Recommendation: None

38. FiboSearch – AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro)

  • Purpose: Provides an advanced AJAX search bar with live search suggestions.
  • Assessment: Enhances user experience significantly in WooCommerce stores.
  • Modifications: Added the ability to search in product categories.
  • Recommendation: None

39. Free Shipping

  • Purpose: Identifies products eligible for free shipping.
  • Assessment: Useful for e-commerce shipping management. Keep if it aligns with your shipping policies.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except product, cart , checkout, my-account.
  • Recommendation: None

Front End Speed Check

Back End Speed Check

It is clear that the FB for WooCommerce plugin adds 1-2 seconds to the back end page load when updating a product. The plugin is known for this and may very well contribute to the loss of connection when updating.

40. GAinWP Google Analytics Integration for WordPress

  • Purpose: Integrates Google Analytics into WordPress.
  • Assessment: Essential for tracking website analytics. Ensure it’s not redundant with other analytics plugins.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: Use GTM for All Tags

41. Gravity Forms

  • Purpose: Enables creation and management of web forms.
  • Assessment: Powerful and flexible, important for lead generation and customer feedback.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except those that include a Gform (contact and product)
  • Recommendation: None

42. Head, Footer and Post Injections

  • Purpose: Allows adding code to the head, footer, and posts.
  • Assessment: Useful for inserting scripts and custom code without editing theme files.
  • Modifications: Disabled this plugin and moved the scripts to WP Code Snippets plugin since they both have the same functionality. This is the 3rd snippet plugin installed on the site. There only needs to be 1.
  • Recommendation: Run all tags through GTM and connect to GTM with 1 plugin.

43. Identity Verification for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Verifies the real identities of customers.
  • Assessment: Important for security and compliance, especially in sensitive transactions.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all front pages except checkout.
  • Recommendation: Determine why this is being used and possibly offer an Cloudflare rules as an alternative to prevent CC fraud.

44. Jetpack

  • Purpose: Provides a suite of tools for security, performance, and marketing.
  • Assessment: Feature-rich but can be heavy. Review which features are in use and their impact on performance.
  • Modifications: Deactivated. This was not being used for much other than SPAM protection while the site already has several other spam plugins.
  • Recommendation: None

44. LiveChat WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Adds live chat functionality for customer support.
  • Assessment: Essential for real-time customer engagement.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: None

45. MailPoet and Premium

  • Purpose: Email newsletter and marketing tool.
  • Assessment: Useful for larger subscriber lists and advanced features. Consider if the premium features are utilized.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: None

46. Micro Warehouse Shipping

  • Purpose: Custom shipping plugin for specific logistical needs.
  • Assessment: Unsure of exactly how this plugin works.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except checkout.
  • Recommendation: TBA

47. PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Creates PDF invoices and packing slips for WooCommerce orders.
  • Assessment: Essential for order management and customer service.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all front pages except My Account
  • Recommendation: None

48. Pixel Manager for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Tracks visitors and conversion values for WooCommerce.
  • Assessment: Highly optimized for data accuracy, important for e-commerce analytics.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: This is yet another tracking plugin that is just creating more js to load. Use GTM for all tracking.

49. Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Manages product feeds for various online channels and marketing platforms.
  • Assessment: Essential for e-commerce sites looking to list their products on multiple channels like Google Shopping, Facebook, and more. It simplifies the process of managing and optimizing product feeds, which is vital for reaching a broader audience and improving sales.
  • Modifications: None
  • Recommendation: None

50. Product Filter by WBW

  • Purpose: Filter products in your store in most efficient way
  • Assessment: Used on product category pages
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except product category
  • Recommendation: None

51. Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Adds slider to Woo gallery images on product page.
  • Assessment: Used on product pages
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except products.
  • Recommendation: None

52. Redirection

  • Purpose: Manages 301 redirects and monitors 404 errors.
  • Assessment: Essential for SEO and maintaining user experience after site changes. Lightweight and efficient.
  • Modifications: Moved all redirects to Yoast plugin and uninstalled plugin.
  • Recommendation: None

53. Residential Address Detection

  • Purpose: Detects residential addresses for accurate shipping rate calculations.
  • Assessment: Important for e-commerce sites to ensure correct shipping fees. Specific to Eniture Technology plugins.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all front page pages except checkout.
  • Recommendation: None

54. Product Subtitle For WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Adds custom product subtitles in WooCommerce.
  • Assessment: Enhances product listings by providing additional descriptive text. Useful for SEO and customer understanding.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all front page pages except checkout.
  • Recommendation: Remove the plugin and replace with Advanced Custom Fields plugin. The plugin hasn’t been updated by the developer in over 2 years and has deprecated functions, which are slowing down the edit product page and a culprit in the slowness.

54. ShopMagic for WooCommerce

  • Purpose: Provides marketing automation and custom email design for WooCommerce.
  • Assessment: Useful for enhancing marketing efforts and customer communication. Evaluate based on feature utilization.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all front page pages.
  • Recommendation: None

55. Simple Banner

  • Purpose: Displays banners on your site.
  • Assessment: A straightforward solution for announcements and promotions. Lightweight and easy to use.
  • Modifications: Deactivated on Staging
  • Recommendation: Keep deactivated until it is needed.

56. Small Package Quotes – UPS Edition

  • Purpose: Retrieves UPS shipping rates dynamically
  • Assessment: Crucial for accurate shipping cost calculation for e-commerce sites using UPS.
  • Modifications: Unloaded on all pages except cart and checkout.
  • Recommendation: None

57. Timed Content

  • Purpose: Schedules content visibility based on date/time.
  • Assessment: Useful for time-sensitive content. Ensure it’s not causing performance issues. Hasn’t been used since 2022.
  • Modifications: Deactivated
  • Recommendation: Uninstall if not needed.

58. Widgets for Google Reviews

  • Purpose: Displays Google reviews on your site.
  • Assessment: Enhances trust and SEO. Ensure itโ€™s not slowing down the site. These cannot be found anywhere on the front end of the site.
  • Modifications: Deactivated
  • Recommendation: Uninstall or add them to front of site.