How to Create a WordPress Logout Shortcode

//WordPress Logout Shortcode function logout_func ($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( ‘linktext’ => ‘Log Out’, ), $atts)); $logoutlink = wp_logout_url( home_url() ); return ‘‘. $linktext .’‘; } add_shortcode( ‘wplogout’, ‘logout_func’ ); ?> // Example Usage: // [wplogout linktext=”YES”] – if you don’t specify linktext, will just display “Log Out”

The 4 Most Common Mistakes That You Can Make With Your WooCommerce Site (And How to Avoid Them)

The 4 Most Common Mistakes That You Can Make With Your WooCommerce Site (And How to Avoid Them)

WordPress is the world’s most powerful CMS, and WooCommerce is its best shopping cart and E-commerce platform. It’s easy to install the WooCommerce plugin and set up your store. But even though it’s very easy to get your store live, you have to take the right steps to ensure that your store runs at maximum…

Facebook Vs. Google: How to Choose the Right PPC Platform

Facebook Vs. Google: How to Choose the Right PPC Platform

PPC can be a scary world for inexperienced business owners. But it’s probably a very enticing one. You’ve probably heard of the stories of competitors killing it via paid search, so your curiosity is peaked. PPC marketing is really something that you should consider. It’s a great way to get a surge of targeted traffic…

Overcoming Content Marketing’s Most Frustrating Challenges

Overcoming Content Marketing’s Most Frustrating Challenges

Content marketing’s stock is sky-high right now. It’s the hot topic, and it seems like almost every marketer is recommending it. There are some strong chances that you’ve already implemented some form of content marketing, whether it is a simple blog or a weekly video series. We love content, and we know that it can…