How to Make Money From Your Blog Even if You Don’t Have a High Amount of Visitors

How to Make Money From Your Blog Even if You Don’t Have a High Amount of Visitors

When your blog can grab 25,000 unique visitors every month, monetization can be very easy. But if you average less than 1500 unique visitors, you are confronted with the challenge of monetization. In truth, you may have to resort to more creative ways to monetize your blog. Luckily, no matter the size of your blog,…

3 Things to Consider Before You Get Serious About Content Marketing

3 Things to Consider Before You Get Serious About Content Marketing

If you’ve read our blog, we have long recommended that you get serious about your content marketing strategy. In 2015, it’s even more important than ever. You have to assume that your competition is starting to see the light, and that they are planning on ramping up their content campaigns. Reason being, content is probably…

5 Easy Ideas That Can Electrify Your Content Marketing

5 Easy Ideas That Can Electrify Your Content Marketing

Ideas can get stale. Do something enough times and it’ll become dry and monotonous. If you’ve ever dabbled in content marketing, you know what that’s like. “What am I going to write about?” “What topic is going to excite my readers?” These dilemmas will stagnate creativity. It happens, and if it hasn’t, it will. Your…

4 Dynamic Tips to Boost the SEO of Your WordPress Site

4 Dynamic Tips to Boost the SEO of Your WordPress Site

WordPress sites are more SEO-friendly than sites on other platforms. Matt Cutts said it himself. But that doesn’t mean that WordPress is a ready-to-use, “out of the box” SEO solution. WordPress, though an extremely easy to use CMS, cannot be used on autopilot. You will still have to do some onsite optimization to really start…

Three Reasons Why WooCommerce Is Better Than Shopify

Three Reasons Why WooCommerce Is Better Than Shopify

There are a lot of things to worry about when you’re running an online store. Some of these things have a larger impact than others. The platform from which you run your store is highly important. The eCommerce platform that you use can either limit your success or make your efforts easier. Over the past…

5 Ways to Increase the Readership of your Blog Posts

5 Ways to Increase the Readership of your Blog Posts

In 2014, many people aren’t readers. To call a spade a spade: people have shorter attention spans than they had in years past. This is not to say people are dumber necessarily, but the way people absorb information has definitely changed. This means that you have to redesign the way you create and deliver content…

How to Earn Links in 2014

How to Earn Links in 2014

“SEO” has really become a dirty word these days. What with all those black-hat SEO companies getting customers penalized and all… In fact, “SEO” has attracted such a negative stigma that “SEO Moz,” an inbound marketing thought leader, rebranded its company name to just “Moz.” But You Do Need to Do SEO! Now, it’s important…