5 Simple Ways to Make Your Web Presence More Trustworthy
The purpose of your business website is to capture more sales and to expand your brand. One of the things that often gets overlooked when it comes to web design is the trustworthiness of a website. This means that if you want to see a certain level of success, your website needs to be totally credible. There absolutely cannot be any doubt about your authority when a prospect opens your website. If there is, you’re essentially dead in the water; you have but only so much time to capture the attention of your visitors, and if you do not seem believable, you will be indirectly washing sales down the drain.
What does a credible website look like? We’re going to give you ways to stay on top of the game by crafting an authoritative image through the design and marketing of your website.
- You must have an attractive design
It’s not 2005 anymore. You may not need the prettiest website in the world, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a moderately attractive one. First impressions are extremely influential. If you have a website that looks like it was designed by an amateur, you will feel it in your bottom line– this is almost guaranteed. Think of it like this: Would you rather shop at a clothing store with an ugly and warped exterior, dim lights and paint-chipped and dirty walls, or would you rather shop at a neat, beautifully lit store that’s attractive on the inside and out? The chances are high that you’d choose the latter.
If your website is like an ugly, dimly lit storefront, then it’s time to totally revamp the design. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Have a clean design. Don’t have too many elements. A cluttered design gives off an amateurish vibe.
- Use clean and modern fonts.
- Don’t use poor quality images
- Your contact info should be accessible
Your contact info should be in prominent areas. If someone has a question or a concern, it should be easy to contact you. If you make someone jump through hoops just to get your email address, you will seem untrustworthy. Have a Contact Us page, and make your email and phone number noticeable on every page by putting the info in the header, footer or sidebar.
- Fill out your About Us page
People like to know information about your business before they make a decision to become a customer. Include the history of your business, the important members of your team, and the overall philosophy of the business. A complete About Us page makes your business seem more transparent. When you’re transparent, you have nothing to hide. Your prospects will perceive you to be trustworthy.
- Include Testimonials in as many places as possible
Don’t make the mistake of burying your testimonials on a hidden page. Your testimonials need to be prominent and obvious– include them in your homepage, if possible. A recommendation goes a long way into making you seem more credible, so you should take advantage of this.
- Display your social media profiles
An active social media presence is a must-have in today’s age. An active presence says that your business is alive and well and not in a decline. Make sure that you interact with your audience on a regular basis– answering their questions, having conversations etc. Along with social media, keep an active blog where you regularly post comments and answer questions.
Gaining and keeping your prospects’ trust is a matter of putting the best foot forward and giving them your business’ best image. Use these tips to build your credibility and capture more sales.
Are you ready to discuss your next web project with the leader in web development and digital marketing? If so, contact Zen Agency today! We are a group of experts.