Mobile Marketing

Two friends shopping on their mobile devices

5 Mobile Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2021 (#3 Should Make You Sit Up)

It may already be a cliché, but someone has to say it: customers expect to engage your business on their mobile devices. We live at a time when smartphones are practically an extension of the individual. With the popularity of smartphones, mobile-initiated commerce has taken off. According to statistics published on OBERLO, mobile commerce sales…

Zen Agency

Zen Agency Receives Gold Certification in Sharpspring Partner Certification Program

WYOMING, PA, July 14th, 2020 Zen Agency, a full-service web development & digital marketing agency, obtained Gold-Level Certification in Sharpspring’s Partner certification program. As a result of this program, Sharpspring, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHSP), a global provider of cloud-based marketing and email software solutions, recognizes the efforts of their partners to show their expertise in marketing…

content marketing companies

5 Secrets of Successful Content Marketing Companies

As the landscape of business changes on a daily basis, the importance of your brand’s online presence only grows. With the shift towards eCommerce, content marketing companies are being sought out to help market businesses. Here are 5 tips that content marketing companies like Zen Agency use. 5 Secrets Successful Content Marketing Companies Use Create…


5 Easy Tips to Optimize Your Emails for Mobile Devices

The consensus on email marketing is that it still works—really, really well. People still go to their inboxes multiple times per day to look at their new emails, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. The consensus on mobile marketing is that it’s here to stay. Mobile devices certainly are not going anywhere; in…


How to Implement a Better Marketing Plan in 2015

We are nearly 2 months into the new year, and now it’s time for action. Every business is looking to dramatically improve their marketing ventures. Businesses have begun to plan and allocate their budgets, and are starting to put these plans into effect. In 2015, there are certain digital marketing channels that you should definitely…


How to Naturally Boost Your Referrals

Some of the best and easiest customers that can be acquired will be gained from referrals. Referral marketing is a criminally underused tactic to gain new business. People love doing business with companies they trust. But trust is very hard to earn if someone is learning about your company for the first time. If someone…


How to Earn Links in 2014

“SEO” has really become a dirty word these days. What with all those black-hat SEO companies getting customers penalized and all… In fact, “SEO” has attracted such a negative stigma that “SEO Moz,” an inbound marketing thought leader, rebranded its company name to just “Moz.” But You Do Need to Do SEO! Now, it’s important…

simplified marketing

How to Simplify Your Marketing

One of the problems in the marketing industry is the obsession with fads, buzzwords, and fluff. Go to some digital marketing blogs and you’ll smacked with unproven and untested theories and ideas that, on the surface, sound great but will not be applicable to your business. The truth is that digital marketing is not a…

what is retargeting

What is Retargeting and Why Should You Care?

The vast majority of visitors to your e-commerce site do not purchase the first time. Retargeting is a strategy you use to get them coming back. After all, they were at least interested enough to visit your site, so that means there’s a good chance they’d like to buy from you later on down the…

inbound marketing strategy

Inbound Marketing Strategy and Why It Matters

The World Wide Web has dramatically changed the way we do business. It equips online business owners with the tools they need to focus their marketing dollars on highly targeted customer bases. This is where inbound marketing strategy shines the most. “Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.”- Seth Godin How an Inbound Marketing Strategy…

social local mobile marketing

Are you focusing on Social-Local-Mobile?

Things are changing. 10 years ago, digital marketing was  much more raw and simple. You could throw up a cheap website, spend some time and money on SEO, and you could have gotten decent results. Social media was fresh out of the womb. The smartphone was only an idea, if that. In 2014, the digital…