
How to Earn Links in 2014

“SEO” has really become a dirty word these days. What with all those black-hat SEO companies getting customers penalized and all… In fact, “SEO” has attracted such a negative stigma that “SEO Moz,” an inbound marketing thought leader, rebranded its company name to just “Moz.” But You Do Need to Do SEO! Now, it’s important…

social local mobile marketing

Are you focusing on Social-Local-Mobile?

Things are changing. 10 years ago, digital marketing was  much more raw and simple. You could throw up a cheap website, spend some time and money on SEO, and you could have gotten decent results. Social media was fresh out of the womb. The smartphone was only an idea, if that. In 2014, the digital…


The Local SEO Checklist: What You Need to Do to Get High Rankings

For some business owners, there is a barrier-to-entry when it comes to their online marketing methods. Traffic has been, and always will be, a big cause for consternation. The process of landing a coveted spot on the first page has often been confusing and unattainable, with a never-ending list of requirements and methods to get…


How to Flood Your Business With New Customers Using a Local-Mobile Strategy

To say that mobile devices have taken over is a dramatic understatement. This truth is boisterously obvious to anyone who pays attention. Go to your local café and you’ll see nothing but a sea of smartphones and tablets, with their owners browsing the web, communicating with their friends, or using it for work. Many business…


How Can Small Businesses Use Content to Help Their SEO?

Content is more important to search engine optimization than ever before.  Google has publicly stated this over and over again.  Algorithm updates such as Fresh, Panda, and Penguin have made content not just important for your website to rank well, but essential. No matter what type of website or business you own/run, regularly updating the…


SEO – Long Tail Keyword Basics

Whether you’re a pro or just beginning to grasp the basics of search engine optimization, it’s imperative to understand keywords and exactly how they work. Long tail, short tail, no tail (?), and so on. SEO buzzwords are enough to make your head spin, but alas, Zen Agency is here to clear up your keyword…

Why It is Essential for Your Small Business to Get on Google+ Now

Why It is Essential for Your Small Business to Get on Google+ Now

Google claims it already has 170 million people active on its social network, Google+.  There may be 200 million or more already signed up for the service, which began in the summer of 2011.  Google+ is by far the fastest growing social network, and Google’s aim is to take down Facebook. Whether that happens or…

titles on a table spelling out seo

5 Strategies for Effective Search Engine Marketing

Search engine optimization, SEO, search engine marketing, search marketing – all these terms mean very similar things.  However, what you may or may not know is how it works. To be truthful, most SEO companies will tell you increasing your rankings in the search engines is not all that difficult – and this is true.  But,…