Author: Joseph Riviello


How To Hit the Ground Running With Your E-Commerce Store

You’ve probably heard the stories of how a new store quickly rose from obscurity and went on to make millions of dollars in a short period of time. You’ve been probably been thinking of the possibilities for your own store, and you’re dreaming of your own success scenarios. You should stop. I’m not here to…


How to Use Abandoned Cart Emails to Recapture Lost Sales

One of the most underappreciated marketing tools is the abandoned cart email. Abandoned carts are an issue that every E-commerce retailer encounters. Over 70% of shopping carts are abandoned before a purchase is made. Somewhere along the line, prospects lose interest and change their mind. The purpose of the abandoned cart email is to change…


How to Use Local SEO to Rank for Multiple Locations

Local SEO, all things considered, is a relatively simple form of online marketing. Local SEO is critical because… Consumers tend to include geographical locations in their search queries The location of your business is factored into Google’s algorithm Local businesses are perceived to be better than large corporations Less competition than national SEO We’ve written…


The 3 Steps That Will Drastically Improve Your Store’s Post-Purchase Experience

Someone just bought your product. You now have a new buyer, which is great, but the question of what to do next pops up. Here’s one thing to know: E-commerce stores that are successful have a great deal of repeat buyers. There are many reasons why someone would return to your store to buy another…


The 6 Most Common Reasons E-Commerce Stores Fail

According to many different sources, over 90% of online businesses collapse. That’s a ghastly stat. That means– statistically speaking– your chance of success as an online retailer is less than 10%. An E-commerce business is extremely easy to set up. You don’t have to rent a physical space for your store. When put against other…


Why You Need Great Customer Service for Your Ecommerce Store to Succeed

Business owners tend to worry about customer acquisition. Customer acquisition is obviously a necessary concern when building and expanding a business. But for a business to have longevity, a great deal of effort needs to be put into customer retention. Consistent sales and support relies on your ability to bridge connections and spark loyalty. To…


The 5 Most Important Questions to Ask When Choosing an E-Commerce Platform

For your E-Commerce store to become wildly successful, you’ll need a strong platform. The platform is the backbone of your store. If your platform lacks certain features and is not as powerful as it needs to be, your store will always underperform. Your store needs to be flexible and functional enough to meet the demands…

How to Create a WordPress Logout Shortcode

//WordPress Logout Shortcode function logout_func ($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( ‘linktext’ => ‘Log Out’, ), $atts)); $logoutlink = wp_logout_url( home_url() ); return ‘‘. $linktext .’‘; } add_shortcode( ‘wplogout’, ‘logout_func’ ); ?> // Example Usage: // [wplogout linktext=”YES”] – if you don’t specify linktext, will just display “Log Out”


The 4 Most Common Mistakes That You Can Make With Your WooCommerce Site (And How to Avoid Them)

WordPress is the world’s most powerful CMS, and WooCommerce is its best shopping cart and E-commerce platform. It’s easy to install the WooCommerce plugin and set up your store. But even though it’s very easy to get your store live, you have to take the right steps to ensure that your store runs at maximum…


Facebook Vs. Google: How to Choose the Right PPC Platform

PPC can be a scary world for inexperienced business owners. But it’s probably a very enticing one. You’ve probably heard of the stories of competitors killing it via paid search, so your curiosity is peaked. PPC marketing is really something that you should consider. It’s a great way to get a surge of targeted traffic…


Overcoming Content Marketing’s Most Frustrating Challenges

Content marketing’s stock is sky-high right now. It’s the hot topic, and it seems like almost every marketer is recommending it. There are some strong chances that you’ve already implemented some form of content marketing, whether it is a simple blog or a weekly video series. We love content, and we know that it can…


How to Hire a Copywriter – 4 Must Ask Questions

Businesses, whether they like it or not, need copywriting. Copywriting is seen as some secretive, wizardly craft that is difficult to master. The learning curve turns busy small business owners off. Taking the time to study classic sales letters, absorb all of the principles and tactics, and learning how to construct hard-hitting sales copy can…