Content Marketing


5 Easy Ideas That Can Electrify Your Content Marketing

Ideas can get stale. Do something enough times and itโ€™ll become dry and monotonous. If youโ€™ve ever dabbled in content marketing, you know what thatโ€™s like. โ€œWhat am I going to write about?โ€ โ€œWhat topic is going to excite my readers?โ€ These dilemmas will stagnate creativity. It happens, and if it hasnโ€™t, it will. Your…


3 Rules to Follow when Managing a Business Blog

Corporate bloggers are facing a dilemma. Theyโ€™re struggling to decide the direction of their business blog. On one hand, they know that they need to sharpen their brand and build their authority; on the other, they know that need to make sales. Theyโ€™re mired in this question: Do I focus on providing great, free content…


3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Content Marketing

Marketers are starting to understand the importance of great content. According the Content Marketing Instituteโ€™s Annual B2B Content Marketing Trends Report, 56% of marketers have increased their budget towards content marketing in the last year. Content marketing is far from a fadโ€”itโ€™s here to stay. Social media, blogs, press releases, podcasts, articles, podcasts, webinars, newsletters,…


Get Your Story Straight: How to Use Storytelling to Elevate Your Brand and Get More Sales

There is no better way to connect with someone than to tell a story. A good writer can use a story like a magicianโ€™s wand and can stun and mesmerize audiences to great effect. What weโ€™re going to talk about today is an effective way to elevate your brand through the use of powerful storytelling….