

How to Use Unconventional Marketing Methods to Grow Your Online Brand

The popularity of e-commerce continues to rise. In the US alone, it is expected that e-commerce sales will reach nearly 2 trillion dollars in 2016. Online has become the first option to many consumers, but if you want to take advantage of this, you need great marketing. We know that social networking strategies, email marketing,…


3 Simple Ways to Maximize Revenue Opportunities for Your Ecommerce Store

Letโ€™s ask one very simple, but important, question. Are you taking advantage of all revenue-generating opportunities? As you can see, this is one very simple question, and if you answer it sincerely, you can check the temperature of your online store. There are many ways to increase revenue in an ecommerce. One way could be…


How to Firmly Position Your Ecommerce Brand Above the Competition

Ecommerce can be a dogfight. So many different retailers are vying for supremacy in often crowded markets. Customers in 2016 now have more choices than they have ever had. With smartphone devices attached to them like an extra limb, they can pull up hundreds of your competitors in seconds. One of the most powerful things…


Why Upselling Is One of The Best Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction

Inexperienced vendors view upselling as a dirty concept. Many think it’s a cheap, sleazy tactic that only exists to get more sales. To be fair, that can be the case. There are hordes of deviously sleazy salesman who are quite talented at sinking their hands into their customers’ pockets, while offering no value in return….

product description writing

Are You Making These Product Description Mistakes?

When you sell anything online, there’s always one general metric (regardless of the situation) that will always mean something: sales. Your online store will either live or die by how many sales you make. There are many elements that will directly influence the amount of sales that you bring in. When someone clicks on a…


5 Simple Ways to Make Your Web Presence More Trustworthy

The purpose of your business website is to capture more sales and to expand your brand. One of the things that often gets overlooked when it comes to web design is the trustworthiness of a website. This means that if you want to see a certain level of success, your website needs to be totally…

pay-per-click (PPC)

The 5 Profit-Generating Benefits of Pay-per-Click (PPC)

It’s safe to say that you’ve heard about pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. You’ve probably heard it’s a bit risky, and it’s easy to lose money with it. That’s true; it can be a bit risky– if you don’t know what you’re doing. It goes without saying that with any marketing method that you use, you should…


How To Hit the Ground Running With Your E-Commerce Store

You’ve probably heard the stories of how a new store quickly rose from obscurity and went on to make millions of dollars in a short period of time. You’ve been probably been thinking of the possibilities for your own store, and you’re dreaming of your own success scenarios. You should stop. I’m not here to…


How to Use Abandoned Cart Emails to Recapture Lost Sales

One of the most underappreciated marketing tools is the abandoned cart email. Abandoned carts are an issue that every E-commerce retailer encounters. Over 70% of shopping carts are abandoned before a purchase is made. Somewhere along the line, prospects lose interest and change their mind. The purpose of the abandoned cart email is to change…


How to Select the Right Market for Your Ecommerce Store

Does this sound like you: You’ve heard all about drop shipping, have concluded that it sounds awesome, but you have absolutely no idea of what market or niche you should get into? Don’t worry, it’s fairly common. Choosing the market is the first step in opening your drop shipping enterprise, and it’s the step that…


How to Successfully Leverage Online Marketing for Your Print Campaign

As technology becomes more advanced, more businesses are hopping on the Digital Marketing Locomotive; which, really, is not a bad thing. The 20th century was obviously dominated by traditional advertising methods, like print and radio; now we have marketing machines like Facebook and Youtube that have taken over. 10-15 years ago, the concept of digital…


Why Todayโ€™s Marketing Is Purely Digital, and What That Means for Your Business

In the heyday of printed advertising, businesses would dedicate a large portion of their marketing budgets into channels of uncertainty. There were no guarantees that if they took out an ad from the local newspaper that it would work to bring in new customers. And even if it did work, businesses would not know to…