
white papers

How to Write a Captivating White Paper

Writing compelling content is not the easiest thing to do. An above-average content piece is descriptive, informative, and compelling. A mediocre piece of content will be littered with throwaway sentences and paragraphs, will be dull from beginning to end, and will be plagued with half-baked research and misunderstood concepts. If you’re a small business ,…


5 Ways to Increase the Readership of your Blog Posts

In 2014, many people aren’t readers. To call a spade a spade: people have shorter attention spans than they had in years past. This is not to say people are dumber necessarily, but the way people absorb information has definitely changed. This means that you have to redesign the way you create and deliver content…


How to Earn Links in 2014

“SEO” has really become a dirty word these days. What with all those black-hat SEO companies getting customers penalized and all… In fact, “SEO” has attracted such a negative stigma that “SEO Moz,” an inbound marketing thought leader, rebranded its company name to just “Moz.” But You Do Need to Do SEO! Now, it’s important…

simplified marketing

How to Simplify Your Marketing

One of the problems in the marketing industry is the obsession with fads, buzzwords, and fluff. Go to some digital marketing blogs and you’ll smacked with unproven and untested theories and ideas that, on the surface, sound great but will not be applicable to your business. The truth is that digital marketing is not a…


5 Marketing Automation Tips for Your Business

The term “marketing automation” is deceptive.  The name implies that it is as easy as 1-2-3, and is something that anyone, without any experience using the software, can do. But it’s not that simple. The truth is that while marketing automation is a powerfully robust tool to have in your arsenal, it can have a…

what is retargeting

What is Retargeting and Why Should You Care?

The vast majority of visitors to your e-commerce site do not purchase the first time. Retargeting is a strategy you use to get them coming back. After all, they were at least interested enough to visit your site, so that means there’s a good chance they’d like to buy from you later on down the…

content marketing strategy

Do You Make These 5 Stupid Content Marketing Strategy Mistakes?

Everybody makes mistakes – that’s the nature of business. But, smart business owners learn from the mistakes of others so they don’t waste time and money making mistakes on their own. In our years of analyzing the market, we have seen plenty of content marketing strategy decisions that have gone right and wrong. These are…


Beyond the Sale: Why Email Marketing Should be an Evergreen Strategy

The subject line will help to get your emails opened, but the actual content of the email will determine whether or not you will secure a sale. The average person’s inbox will have loads of different emails, and many of them will either sit unopened, be discarded, or get marked as spam. In 2014, sending…

inbound marketing strategy

Inbound Marketing Strategy and Why It Matters

The World Wide Web has dramatically changed the way we do business. It equips online business owners with the tools they need to focus their marketing dollars on highly targeted customer bases. This is where inbound marketing strategy shines the most. “Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.”- Seth Godin How an Inbound Marketing Strategy…