
What Is Content Marketing? How You Can Get Started Today

Almost every successful website has one thing in common: Great content. You can have an extremely beautiful website with all the bells and whistles, but if you donโ€™t have content, your web presence is woefully incomplete. You must learn how to start content marketing the proper way.

There are no shortcuts: You need good content. And you need to market that content if you want to grow the size of your audience.

In todayโ€™s post, weโ€™re going to discuss how easy it is to get started content marketing, and how you can use content to catapult your business to the top of your industry.

Create Great Content

Yes, it should be a given that you need great content, but itโ€™s something that many brands tend to overlook. Creating great content for content marketing is far from difficult, but you need to follow these pillars if you want to get the most out of your marketing strategy:

Know your audience. What does your audience want to see? If you donโ€™t know, do some market research. Ideally, you want to create the content that tailored to your audience. If your audience likes to consume video content, donโ€™t give them long-form blog posts.

Be authentic. Is your content coming from a place of authenticity? When you know your market inside-out, it shouldnโ€™t be a problem to create authentic content that your audience can identify with. Give real value, display your knowledge and experience, and speak directly to the wants and needs of your audience.

Determine Your Method of Distribution

Great content wonโ€™t go far if people donโ€™t see it. You need to determine how youโ€™re going to push your content. Essentially, youโ€™re looking to get valuable traffic from your content. Letโ€™s look at a few ways you can do this:

SEO. For example, high-value blog posts that target relevant keywords can get ranked by Google. ย Over time, rankings can improve, and your blog post can become a powerful conduit for valuable traffic to your website.

Social Media. Create content, post it on social media, share it on your network of followers. The goal is for your content to get shared virally. This expands your network and you can see an influx of targeted traffic to your website.

Public Relations. This is an overlooked method of gaining traffic through content. Leverage online PR to gain brand recognition. By getting your content featured on authoritative websites, you boost your brand while gaining quality traffic.

Create a Schedule

A sporadic content schedule will put you on a train to nowhere. Get consistent, and the simplest way to do this is to stick to a content posting schedule. Momentum is powerful, and the more content you release, the faster your audience can grow. We recommend using marketing automation software to schedule your content releases.

For example, if you send out email newsletters, email autoresponders like Aweber and MailChimp allow you to schedule your emails.


A website without content is merely a skeleton. You need content if you want an audience. With content marketing, you increase your following and grow your brand. By following the tips in this blog post, you can launch a successful content marketing strategy.

Joseph Riviello

Looking for a seasoned WooCommerce expert and digital marketing strategist with an unwavering dedication to client success? Meet Joe Riviello, the CEO of Zen Agency, with over 22 years of experience helping e-commerce businesses scale through holistic marketing strategies. Joe Riviello is a seasoned WooCommerce expert, digital marketing strategist, and CEO of Zen Agency with over 22 years of experience in the e-commerce industry. He is a passionate business development professional committed to helping businesses reach their full potential through various holistic digital marketing strategies. Joe's expertise lies in creating a seamless user experience for customers while delivering strong business results. He has worked with several high-profile clients across various industries, including retail, healthcare, and finance, helping them achieve their business goals through digital marketing solutions. Joe's journey to becoming a CEO started with his passion for technology and user experience design. He has always been interested in how technology can solve business challenges and improve customer experiences. Throughout his career, he has focused on creating e-commerce websites and digital marketing campaigns that provide an exceptional user experience while delivering strong business results. As the CEO of Zen Agency, Joe is responsible for leading the agency's strategic direction and ensuring that clients receive the highest quality of service. He is a natural leader who inspires and motivates his team to achieve their goals and deliver exceptional results for clients. Joe is a recognized industry leader and has spoken at several conferences on topics related to digital marketing, user experience design, and business strategy. He passionately advocates for data-driven marketing and believes that every business, regardless of size or industry, can benefit from a holistic digital marketing strategy.

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