inbound marketing strategy

5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Imagine being dropped into an unknown wilderness in the middle of the night. No visible water or food. There are dangerous, feral animals lurking in the darkness. You, a stranger in a strange land, are powerless and confused. Could you survive? Most likely not. Youโ€™d probably die of thirst and starvation, or maybe youโ€™d get…


How to Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file to Your WordPress Site

Below are the quick steps to import your content form one WordPress site to another: Log into to your WordPress Admin Go to Tools>Import Click the “WordPress” link Choose your file. You will then have to map the authors form your file to authors on the site you are importing to. All posts, categories and…

Latest Web Development Trends

2013 was completely brilliant for web design and web development. In recent months, there have been huge strides in this field. According to experts, webmasters will continue to focus on many different web development trends. In this post, weโ€™ve discussed some important trends which will be used this year. Extra Focus on Content Every website…


How Can Small Businesses Use Content to Help Their SEO?

Content is more important to search engine optimization than ever before.ย  Google has publicly stated this over and over again.ย  Algorithm updates such as Fresh, Panda, and Penguin have made content not just important for your website to rank well, but essential. No matter what type of website or business you own/run, regularly updating the…


How to Decide if You Need a Responsive Design

In The Pros & Cons of Responsive Web Design, we discussed some of the benefits and potential disadvantages of responsive web design, ultimately concluding that you probably should have a responsive website design.ย  Today, weโ€™ll talk in more detail about some of the considerations that factor into deciding whether you need a responsive website.ย  The…

The Pros & Cons of Responsive Website Design

The Pros & Cons of Responsive Website Design

Tablet PCs, smartphones, desktops, and laptops โ€“ oh my!ย  Mobile devices are becoming more popular than ever, and with each passing year, they are used more frequently than desktop and laptop PCs to browse the internet. But, did you know that each device has its own quirks about web design?ย  You canโ€™t design a single…

Why It is Essential for Your Small Business to Get on Google+ Now

Why It is Essential for Your Small Business to Get on Google+ Now

Google claims it already has 170 million people active on its social network, Google+.ย  There may be 200 million or more already signed up for the service, which began in the summer of 2011.ย  Google+ is by far the fastest growing social network, and Googleโ€™s aim is to take down Facebook. Whether that happens or…


How to Tell if Your Web Design Needs a Facelift

Believe it or not, your websiteโ€™s design does have a noticeable impact on the impression you make on others. Weโ€™ve likened your web design to a physical storefront design in the past. How about something more personal? When you go to work, you do your best to make yourself presentable to others, donโ€™t you? You…

titles on a table spelling out seo

5 Strategies for Effective Search Engine Marketing

Search engine optimization, SEO,ย search engine marketing, search marketing โ€“ all these terms mean very similar things. ย However, what you may or may not know is how it works. To be truthful, most SEO companies will tell you increasing your rankings in the search engines is not all that difficult โ€“ and this is true. ย But,…